Un mondo di storie della nostra terra

Leggi le novità e scopri cosa puoi fare a Valle e dintorni

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Camping Mon Perin: Renovations in 2016

Camping Mon Perin is currently listed as one of the top 15 tourist structures on the Croatian coast.

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Become part of the MON PERIN’s story

Take part in the recapitalisation of the company.

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Mon Perin at the “Innovative Tourism Organisation Methods” convention

The “Innovative Tourism Organisation Methods” convention was held in Piran, Slovenia, on 5 July 2016.

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Mon Perin Agreements

Friday 9th September 2016 was a very important day for Mon Perin! In fact, at our beloved Palazzo Bembo, we signed 8 partnership agreements:

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Mon Perin, equity capital increase and development of new projects

At the end of last week, the Extraordinary Assembly of Mon Perin adopted a decision to increase the Company's equity capital as a prerequisite for further functioning and continuing the Mon Perin’s planned development.

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A small community with big plans

Thanks to a substantial support of the Municipality of Bale Valle and the Mon Perin company, the residents of Bale Valle are entering the new year with great optimism.

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Mon Perin, Bale-Valle’s renaissance

In the early 2000s, Bale-Valle still was an abandoned, underdeveloped and unnoticed village. It had high unemployment and its citizens saw no future for their community.

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The Mon Perin – successful camping story

The "Mon Perin" from Bale-Valle is a successful camping story, which grows year after year, provides excellent service and offers interesting additional services and that is the reason for guests always coming back.

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The project “One plot of land for 1 kuna”

The Mon Perin Foundation is financing the project “One plot of land for 1 kuna”, which will turn the city of Bale-Valle into a new residential location for young families.

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Una grigliata sul mare.

Il mare richiama profumi di grigliate e di appetitosi manicaretti. I ristoranti a Mon Perin hanno una vista sul Mare Adriatico mozzafiato e un menu da acquolina in bocca. Sei pronto a leccarti i baffi?

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The first theatre show in the Austro-Hungarian fortress

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Discover Kazuni.

Le casette campestri costruite da muri a secco e molto simili ai trulli pugliesi sono un patrimonio architettonico dell’Istria.

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Alla scoperta del castello Soardo-Bembo.

Imponente e affascinante. Il Castello è pronto a conquistarti al primo sguardo, quando lo scorgi non appena arrivi a Valle e ne rimani estasiato.

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Tra le Chiese dell’antico borgo.

Il cattolicesimo è ben visibile a Valle. Le chiese che popolano il paese sono un vanto di storia, cultura, arte e religione.

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Fort Forno.

Una costruzione da visitare in lungo e in largo, una testimonianza che lascia senza parole per bellezza e imponenza. Questa è Fort Forno.

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Gym & relax: palestra e sauna a Valle.

Sentirsi rilassati e sentirsi in forma. Una vacanza all’insegna del benessere può contare su una struttura all’avanguardia.

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Immersioni nelle calette nascoste.

Un’occasione imperdibile per tuffarsi tra calette nascoste e fondali da fotografare. Approfitta dei Corsi organizzati dai centri Mon Perin per esplorare gli abissi da cima a fondo.

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Sportivi in vacanza tra mare e spiaggia.

Una vacanza Mon Perin è perfetta anche per chi non vuole rinunciare allo sport e al benessere fisico. Rigenerati tra campi da gioco, corsi ed esperienze a stretto contatto con la natura.

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Una vacanza pet friendly inizia dal dog agility.

Il camping Mon Perin ha un’area dedicata interamente agli amici a quattro zampe. Uno spazio dove possono correre liberi in tutta sicurezza e dove possono misurarsi con un percorso a ostacoli studiato a posta per loro.

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Il passato del borgo rivive nel lusso degli alloggi dell’albergo diffuso.

Le strutture in pietra ricordano una storia millenaria che torna alla luce ogni volta che un ospite arriva a Valle.

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Fashion Event in Bale-Valle organized by Schwarzkopf


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Mon Perin is an example of what we are striving for “value for money“

Croatian Minister of Tourism visits Bale-Valle's successful Mon Perin company and campsite, Cappelli: "Mon Perin" is an example of what we are striving for - "value for money“

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The cosiest place to live in Istria

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Bale-Valle’s Scattered hotel

Students from Zagreb and Ljubljana Universities came to Bale-Valle to present their projects on the most appropriate ways to bring to life the concept of “scattered hotel” in our small but ancient village.

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A letter to the Shareholders of Mon Perin

This week, the President of the Supervisory Board of Mon Perin, Plinio Cuccurin sent a letter to all the Mon Perin's Shareholders.

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The Mon Perin project that changed once among the poorest municipalities of Istria

The Mon Perin company is one of the pioneers of the social entrepreneurship business philosophy and practice at national level.

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La via del vino, dell’olio e del formaggio.

Alla scoperta dei sapori veraci dell’Istria, tra materie prime di alta qualità e una genuinità senza tempo. Passeggiare per le vie di Valle regala profumi indimenticabili e si mescolano a un’accoglienza che resta impressa nella memoria.

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Fresh Market: ti regaliamo i frutti della nostra terra.

In una vacanza Mon Perin hai la possibilità di assaporare tutti i frutti della terra di Valle. Il Fresh Market vuol dire condivisione e genuinità.

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Soggiorno nel cuore della produzione agricola istriana.

Le varietà di olio e vino lasciano che i piaceri della tavola ti conquistino dal primo assaggio. L’Istria è una terra colma di tesori agroalimentari da scoprire e da assaporare.

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Aperi Bale Valle: aperitif in the town courtyards

The town is not enormous but visiting it becomes something of a challenge, as charged full of emotions, you observe details, go up and down the stairs of Castle Soardo Bembo, slip into the crypt, take more stairs and arrive at the church through the tunnel of the sacristy.

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La sirena dell’Adriatico.

L’Istria è la penisola croata che vanta una costa di 445 chilometri e numerose isole che vale la pena esplorare da cima a fondo. Una vacanza a Mon Perin è l’opportunità giusta per farsi ammaliare dalla sirena dell’Adriatico.

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È iniziata l’era del Paleo Park.

Un luogo incantato e figlio di un sito archeologico. Un parco divertimenti acquatico e didattico che è già nel cuore di scuole, genitori e bambini. Ecco svelato il perché.

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I dinosauri che abitano il Paleo Park.

Le creature che hanno dominato la Terra più di cento milioni di anni fa rivivono nel Paleo Park, dopo un ritrovamento unico nel suo genere.

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Cavalcata tra gli antichi poderi d’Istria.

Decidere di trascorrere una vacanza a Valle vuol dire scegliere un sentiero turistico non convenzionale, intriso di storia e natura.

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Tra i poderi in biciletta.

Pedalare tra i profumi della natura e lungo la storia di un territorio che sa come affascinarti con le sue tante ricchezze.

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Cinema sotto le stelle d’Istria.

Un’iniziativa che tutte le estati si rinnova e che crea sempre più spettatori. Chi viene in vacanza a Valle è come se vivesse in un film.

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Trekking Season.

Voglia di passeggiate salutari e panorami da cartolina? L’Istria ha tesori nascosti da scoprire passo dopo passo.

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È iniziata l’era del Paleo Park.

Un luogo incantato e figlio di un sito archeologico. Un parco divertimenti acquatico e didattico che è già nel cuore di scuole, genitori e bambini. Ecco svelato il perché.

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Strutture da sogno a due passi dal mare.

Gli alloggi Mon Perin sono un equilibrio perfetto tra natura e comfort. Tutte le soluzioni guardano il mare negli occhi, devi solo scegliere quella giusta per te tra: Villette, Bungalow e Piazzole dedicate al campeggio.

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Camping tra costa e natura incontaminata.

Mon Perin è la firma sulla rinascita di un territorio. Un progetto condiviso da un paese intero e che puoi intravedere sin da subito, basta passare nel suo Camping

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Ville Indipendenti nella macchia mediterranea.

Scegli di goderti le tue vacanze in una Villa indipendente che convive armoniosamente nella natura in cui è immersa.

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Secret gardens: hidden corners among history and culture

Bale Valle is a land of history, culture, art and poetry in the town on the rocks, and in its hidden corners.

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Villas in the historical centre of Bale Valle

Luxurious villas in the historical centre of Bale?! A question or a statement? A statement!

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Pitches by the sea

Pitches beside the sea are an ideal solution for those who love camping, be it in a tent, a motorhome or a caravan.

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An aromatic way of life

Meticulous studies of the territory reveal the presence of more than 600 plant species, among which, on account of their strong visual impact, one cannot avoid noticing the wild orchids, which are carefully protected by regulations in force.

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Find a butterfly

Bale Valle is home to more than three hundred butterfly species, magnificent like the graceful movement that characterises them.

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Birdwatching wetlands

When walking through the wetlands you’ll probably come across a birdwatching hide, a privileged place of concealment for observing rare and endangered species. These wetlands are 5 km away from the Mon Perin campsite.

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The Crypt Moment: the Lapidarium

Do not miss out on the opportunity to visit the lapidarium of the parish church dedicated to the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Elizabeth in Bale Valle.

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The Past, The Present, The Future of Mon Perin

Three videos will describe the story of Mon Perin. The Bale Valle municipality, with its 9.5 km of untouched coastline, is one of the most picturesque medieval small towns in the region, and was long considered a peripheral town due to the domination of two neighbouring tourist destinations (Rovinj and Pula), which placed Bale Valle in an unfavourable position.

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The typical flavours of a town

The sea, nature, traditional fragrances, opaque colours, intense aromas and silence ... Istria is a fascinating place and you will certainly be tempted by the local cuisine.

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Boulevard World Genius

With the project "Boulevard World Genius" Mon Perin aims to connect the camp site at the coast with the town of Bale Valle a few kilometers inland and pay tribute to those great minds who have shaped our past and present and will undoubtedly leave their mark in times to come.

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Discovering the 7 Austro-Hungarian fortification in Istria

The Fortified Group Barbariga in Istria was part of a complex defensive system of the Austro-Hungarian Stronghold of Pula and, like most of its fortresses, subordinate to the logical hierarchy in the defence of the region.

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A holiday that stays true to itselfs

Our dear guest Ivan Č. from Zagreb, Croatia wrote on his blog an article about the actual covid-19 situation and how the tourism and its destinations were influenced. Enjoy your reading!

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Traditions and modern design

An ancient scenario but with a modern heart: at Bale Valle a traditional setting is enlivened by innovation and design.

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Oil mills and presses situated along unusual routes

Enjoy an excursion during which you will be able to visit old mills with traditional grindstones; centuries-old oil mills now co-exist with modern processing plants that fully respect the environment.

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What is Mon Perin?

The company Mon Perin d.o.o. is a tourist company established in 2005 in Bale Valle with a unique management model for this type of business. The original proposal, which today is a reality, was to create a company whose founders would be the inhabitants of Bale Valle, the “friends of Bale”, the Bale Valle municipality, and all those interested in the development of this region.

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